Saturday, September 12, 2020

Dick Scott and Elizabeth Burroughs Marriage in Ainab 1948

 Susan Scott Welsh writes:

"I spent a few very happy summers at Ainab with my family in my teenage years and I believe a bit before, staying in the Gordon House. I attach some photos of the Scotts' attachment to Ainab, including most importantly my parents' wedding there.

 Kerr/Kennedy House: Dick Scott and Elizabeth Burroughs. 

Dick Scott and Elizabeth Burroughs Wedding in Ainab 1948
 at Kerr/Kennedy house
Dick Scott and Elizabeth Burroughs Wedding in Ainab 1948

Dorothy Kerr Jessup writes in Sept 2020: "Dick & Elizabeth are taking their vows on the front porch of our Ainab house.  It was 1948, and both my sister and Marion and I were there for the summer.  I'd spent a whole year in Beirut & Ainab in 1947-48  (between high school & college) so I knew Dick Scott - I believe he was a staffite.  The photo of the guests is so faded, it's hard to recognize many.  But  I  do see  Elizabeth Smith, her parents,  and my sister.  I'm sure my parents were there, but don't see them in that picture, and there were some I didn't know who just came for the day.  Most likely there were more guests sitting on the terrace closer to bride & groom,  since that was a more logical seating area than this, and since so many familiar faces from our immediate community are missing. I do remember which families were in Ainab that summer:  The Crawfords (including Molly, who'd come out for the summer), Leavitts, Closes (including Art & Raymond), and Kerrs of course.  I don't remember  the Dodds being there in 1948  -  possibly the Wests spent that summer in their house.  The Stolzfuses had just built a house below our hilltop, near the village of Ainab - both Jim and Bill were there in 1948. The Smiths were living in Shimlan  -- all within walking distance for us in those days!

The picture of two scruffy-looking youngsters in 1973 shows my husband and me during his only visit to Lebanon and my only return there, before the Civil War. This was when Rich and my father, Dick, first met. 

The exuberant youth is, of course, Michael!

Michael Scott 1973?

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