Saturday, December 5, 2015

Pine House: Bruce Dodd, Peter Dodd, Molly Crawford, Malcolm Kerr, Bruce Dodd

From Bruce Dodd: "Pine house constructed by Dorothy Kerr, Molly Crawford, Malcolm and myself. When we finished building the House we had to return the pine needles to their original locations."

From L to R: Peter, Molly, Dorothy, Malcolm, Bruce, and ?

Ruffians of the 1930s

Ruffians of the 1930s: Left to Right -
Back row: Marjo Ritscher, Marga Leavitt, Wally Close, Marion Kerr, Dan Leavitt, Ann Ritscher, Art Close, Howard Leavitt.
Front row: Bruce Dodd, Johnnie Ritscher, Peter Dodd, Helen Leavitt, Ray Close, Helen Ritscher, Dorothy & Malcolm Kerr.

Chess in front of the American Flag

Who is playing patriotic chess in Ainab?

Tennis class led by Malcolm Kerr

Tennis lesson: Malcolm and xxxx?

Kerr Photos

Malcolm is swatting a fly. 

Elsa, Stanley, Malcolm Kerr looking very serious.

Meal time under the trees.  Marion, Dorothy, Malcolm, Doug, Elsa

Ann Kerr with paintings of Stanley's vineyard. 1958.

Ann Kerr with her paintings of geraniums and grapes from Stanley's vineyard, painted in 1958.  Now hanging up in her house (as you can see, the bathroom!).  She is holding her book, Painting the Middle East, opened to a page with a picture of her painting these pictures.

Stanley Kerr's painting of the Kerr house

And Stanley Kerr's painting of the Kerr house, which is now hanging in Ann Kerr's house (her bedroom - she seems to have them all!)

Mary Eddy's painting of the Kerr House

Here's Mary Eddy's painting of the Kerr House.  The chaise longue on the left was purchased by Elsa and made by a school for the blind - in Baysur?  The painting is now hanging in Ann Kerr's house (middle guest bedroom!)